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UniFi Installation

Installing Beambox on your UniFi cloud controller

Paul Babasoro avatar
Written by Paul Babasoro
Updated over 2 weeks ago

NOTE: This installation guide is based on UniFi controller version 6.1.71; however, Beambox is compatible with all controller versions.

Installing Beambox on your UniFi controller is quick and easy. It takes just a few minutes to get started and add your WiFi login to the UniFi site and network that you select.

Preparing your UniFi controller

Beambox requires your UniFi controller to be remotely accessible. This cannot be a local-only controller or a cloud-access account. This is important, as our integrator has to be able to reach your controller at all times to authorize your guests.

There are a few options to launch your cloud controller...

1. Use to quickly deploy a managed cloud controller in just a few minutes
2. Port-forward your existing controller. For UniFi OS controllers, port forward 443. For all other controllers, port forward 8443, a static Public IP, is needed for port forward.
3. Set up DDNS in case a static public IP is unavailable.
4. Self-deploy for free using the official UniFi guide (advanced)

Note: If you are port forwarding a UniFi OS controller like a UDM Pro, please use the "WAN Local" firewall rules.

Port Forwarding

Most commonly, venues port forward their existing hardware to make their controllers remotely accessible. This is pretty easy, and if you don't know how to do it, we recommend searching "How to port forward on *your router make/model*."

If your controller says "UniFi OS" when logging in, you should port forward 443. Then, your controller URL will be in the format https://YOUR_PUBLIC_IP:443.

For all other UniFi controllers, port forward 8443, and your controller URL will be in the format https://YOUR_PUBLIC_IP:8443.

Remember, we can help out with this if you get stuck!

Activating your UniFi integration

Beambox will automatically configure the guest portal settings using the 'Guest Hotspot' feature in your UniFi WiFi settings. After a successful login, Beambox will then authenticate the guest's device on your dashboard at lightning speed ⚡️

After signing up for a trial, you will be presented with the Beambox UniFi integrator on your dashboard. You'll need to complete 3 fields:

  • Controller URL—This is the hostname or IP that you use to reach your controller. You should be able to reach it by entering this URL in your browser.

  • Username - The username for an admin account on your UniFi controller.

  • Password - The password for an admin account on your UniFi controller.

Once entered, select 'Load Sites' and select the site on which you want to activate Beambox. Your guest control settings will only be configured for this site. Click 'Activate Beambox' to finish your integration.

Enabling Beambox on a wireless network

Now that we have successfully completed the integration, the only thing left to do is to enable the external portal that we have added to one of your WiFi networks.

In your WiFi settings, select the guest SSID that you have created and make sure you have the following:

  • Hotspot Portal - ✅

And that's it! You can now test out your wireless network and see Beambox in action.

Need help?

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