Writing your SMS Blast

Use our built-in SMS writer to create the perfect SMS Blast

Libby Anderson avatar
Written by Libby Anderson
Updated over a week ago

On the 3rd step of setting up your SMS Blast, you can go ahead and add in your content:

Here are a few tips for SMS marketing using Blasts:

Offer incentives

Tempt your customers by offering coupons or deals through texts. This makes customers feel like they are a part of a secret club or community.

Keep your message short and sweet.

Over 90% of all SMS messages are read within 3 minutes, making it an intimate way to connect with your customers. With only 160 characters to use, ensure your message is to-the-point and delivers high value.

Have a clear call to action.

If you want your customers to head to your website or social media pages make sure to add the correct link including the beginning part (https://). Some examples of the correct format are below:

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