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Inviting your teammates

Grant access to your teammates and manage teammate permissions

Paul Babasoro avatar
Written by Paul Babasoro
Updated over a week ago

You can easily share access to your Beambox account with teammates. To get started, follow the below steps:

Head to your account dropdown menu and select Access:

Go ahead and select the New Teammate button:

Next, add in your teammate's email address:

You can limit your new teammate's access to your account by choosing one of the 3 options below:

Permissions Explained


  • Your 5-step setup

  • Location management

  • Account and Notification settings


  • Your billing overview

  • Invoices

  • Viewing/updating your payment method

  • Plan changes


  • Blasts/Interaction Emails and SMS messages

  • Embeddable forms

  • Review Automator

  • Integrations

  • Marketing settings (sender emails and QR code options)

Note: To give your teammate access to all features within the platform, select all three options πŸ‘‡

How do invites work?

Your teammate will receive an email inviting them to create their own login credentials to join your account. Once they have created their login credentials, they will automatically be logged in.

Make sure to tell your teammate to check their Junk/Spam folder just in case πŸ‘

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